Why Your Marketing Efforts Should Be Driven by Emotions, Not Transactions

Studies have shown that consumers behave based on emotions and connections so should marketers

Even while big data continues to govern the behavior of marketers, it’s not enough to gather and analyze data points. Modern consumers want real, emotional connections with the brands they support. They can quickly get turned off if they suspect a brand only cares about their sale.

According to the Loyalty That Lasts report from the CMO Council, too many marketers still see dollar signs, not people. Of marketers surveyed, 44% spend time collecting voice-of-customer data but don’t respond to it, and 38% struggle to have meaningful conversations or interactions with their customers. A full 43% identify transactional as the most important attribute of their customers.

Even still, 3 in 5 marketers are aware that personalized approaches to engagement will help foster deeper customer relationships.

Let’s dive deeper into why personalization matters and how you can focus on making more meaningful connections with the right data.

Why personalization matters

Research from RedPoint Global and the Harris Poll shows that 63% of consumers expect to see personalized messages from brands, and 52% feel recognized by a brand when they’re sent unique offers. Why is this so important?

When consumers feel recognized and understood, they feel an emotional and personal connection to the brand or product. They don’t feel like just another data point; they feel like what they want matters to the real people behind the company. They feel singled out, heard, and special.

Focus on engaging in conversations, not transactions. Think about the topics that are most relevant to your audience, like a trending news subject. How can you start a conversation that will connect your brand to your customers? What words and phrases will catch your customers’ attention? How can you be more genuine in your advertisements?

More consumers are becoming wary as more and more brands emerge on the internet. In fact, the Edelman Trust Barometer special report on brands showed that 71% of respondents say they will lose trust in a brand forever if they perceive that brand is putting profit over people.

That’s why sending a message that fosters a meaningful connection will help you stand out and gain real followers. Genuine messaging and integrity go a long way in today’s digital climate. Your customer base will notice when you’re trying to build bridges and long-term relationships, not just make a sale.

How to focus on emotions and connections with data

Now you know the importance of building emotional connections with your customers. But how do you put those values into practice?

The same RedPoint Global report shows that 43% of customers feel recognized when the brand can single them out across touchpoints. This means marketers are tracking cross-channel data to better understand the behaviors and motivations of consumers.

This kind of strategy requires the latest, most up-to-date data delivered to you regularly. By tracking data across a customer’s devices or platforms, you can provide the right message at the perfect moment. Customers will feel like you’re able to decode their thinking patterns when they’re shopping for a specific product.

You can then deliver a personalized message that connects with them, building a relationship based on understanding and recognition.

How BDEX delivers the quality, real-time data you need

When you’re creating your personalization strategy, the data from BDEX supports and drives your efforts. Delivering real-time insights, BDEX’s data tools help you customize your messages instantly to connect with a customer who is deep in your sales funnel.

All the data tools BDEX offers have one goal in mind: To foster human connectivity between you and your audience. Our BDEX Custom Audience Creator gives you the power to reach consumers with custom advertisements within minutes of them taking an action, like starting to shop for a product online. When they’re ready to buy, they’ll see your personalized message and will make a purchase they’re satisfied with.

The BDEX Identity Graph helps you identify the real human being behind each data signal you receive so you can better identify the behaviors and patterns of your customers. Our BDEX data marketplace has over 1 trillion data signals and provides more than 6 billion unique IDs, 5,500 data categories, and over 800 million mobile ID-to-email matches. Our data helps you start the right conversation with the right people.

When you’re ready to make emotional connections with your audience, contact the BDEX team to get started with our industry-leading data solutions.