Marketing: When is as Important as How

Powerful targeted marketing data identifies customers when they’re looking to buy

The success of any marketing campaign hinges on reaching the ideal target audience with the right message. And whether you sell vacuum cleaners or real estate, if you can’t target those who are most likely to buy your product, you won’t sell very many. Modern marketers and advertisers have traditionally used data that contains information about potential buyers’ habits to roughly predict that someone might be likely to make a purchase.

But those marketing and advertising professionals know that this data can be pretty vague. It can predict that a customer could be looking to buy in the future, but it doesn’t tell you when they are actively looking.

This is inefficient and expensive. And there is a better way.

Forget what a target audience might be looking for talk to them when they’re actually looking for it

What would you do if you knew that Craig Smith was searching for a new car and furthermore, the brand of a car within a certain geographic area? What if you knew that Maria Gonzalez bought a ticket to San Antonio two days ago and is searching for entertainment and dining options? What if you knew that Emily Thomas buys diapers online every other week?

If you own a car dealership, operate a restaurant or theatre in San Antonio, or you own an online business that sells baby products, you’d probably want to get in front of that potential customer. BDEX can help you do that.

The old way of analyzing customer data and predicting patterns

Conventional data collection looks at what people did in the past and uses it to predict what they may do in the future. The data will let you know that Craig Smith is about to finish paying off his car loan. Predictive analysis suggests that he might be interested in buying a new car. However, Craig may be just as likely to keep it in order to avoid making car payments. What if there are 10 million Craig Smiths out there? Not many of those individuals will shop for a new car. In fact, statistics might indicate that only about 10% of them will do so.

Before, advertisers were stuck having to market to those 10 million people anyway. With behavioral data from BDEX, you can narrow the list down and only reach out to the 1 million who are actively looking to buy.

How BDEX data is different

BDEX collects real-time data based on actual behaviors of customers. For instance, the data can tell you when someone has searched for a car on a place like It can tell you if people have recently moved or put their house up for sale, while actively shopping for real estate. It can even track if someone has visited the location of a local retail competitor using the technology called geofencing.

Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software uses GPS, RFID (radio frequency identifiers), Wi-Fi or cellular data to trigger a pre-programmed action when a mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a virtual boundary set up around a geographical location.

It allows you to see information about where people go, whether it’s to Verizon, an Apple Store, The Gap, or any other establishment that falls within your industry. Additional data can be collected based on store POS systems, showing what particular items customers have purchased. This knowledge can then be integrated with additional online and behavioral data, including contact information.

BDEX data allows marketers and advertisers to spend dollars efficiently and powerfully. Looking at website visits, geofencing when individuals visit competitors and combining this data with more traditional metrics and multiple device matching enables micro-targeting the right individuals when they are about to make a purchase.

Marketing is a whole new ballgame.

BDEX features the first-ever Data Exchange Platform (DXP). The BDEX DXP and DAAS platforms enable companies to acquire impartial, quality-scored, third-party data reaching the right people at the right time like never before. We offer cross-device matching, auto dealership services, DAAS, real-time targeting, and custom segment building that is ideal for any industry, including auto dealers, retailers, brands, agencies, out-of-home, and franchises. Contact us today to get your customized marketing data.