
Category: direct mail targeting

The Value of TV Viewing Data

Whether it’s knowing what your customers are watching or how to reach audiences watching certain programs, having access to TV viewing behavior can take your personalization and real-time targeting to

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Big Data Trends to Watch in 2019

Artificial intelligence and innovations like BDEX Cross-Device Matching will enable marketers to take content personalization and in-store marketing to new levels and open vast stores of unstructured data for mining.

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The Value of the BDEX ID Graph

How our ID graph uses deterministic matching to power human connectivity One of the great ironies of digital marketing in recent years has been that device proliferation has actually made

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AI on Target to Change the Way We Market

6 ways artificial intelligence could impact target marketing Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most talked about and promising technologies today. While many individuals think it still exists mainly

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