
Category: News

Why Real-Time Is the New Requirement for Marketers

After-the-fact just won’t cut it for today’s marketers. Real-time targeting is on its way to becoming the new normal.

Data-driven marketing strategies have been changing the ways marketers make decisions and how brands interact with their customers

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Marketing: Don’t Underestimate the Power of Location Data

How online and offline location data give your business a competitive advantage

Location data has been a part of the marketer’s toolbox for many years. It’s enabled companies to offer a brand new customer experience, catered to each individual person based on their actions and habits.

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Marketing: The Most Important Customer Data for Franchises

Accurate data is a must for your franchise’s marketing strategy. But what data should you be focusing on?

With all the big data available at our fingertips today, franchises are tasked with mining that data to find better ways to reach their ideal audiences. Access to customer data in addition to important business information helps drive business decision-making, and ultimately business growth and further expansion.

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